Fairy Camp!!!
This summer I got the rather brilliant idea to run a fairy-based art camp out of my house. Seeing as last summer's art camp was so well received, it seemed a shame to scrap the whole idea just because my mom's finishing her masters degree and wouldn't be able to be involved. So i took up the reins and organized a camp myself! FINALLY I've found a way to put my ridiculous knowledge of fairyness to good use. The first two sessions of Fairy Camp have gone extremely well; the little girls are soooo cute and creative. In the camp we: hand-paint and decorate fairy wings, make gold tiaras, surprisingly spectacular magic wands, paper fairy dolls and we also write and illustrate a fairy story together, which ended up being one of the favorite parts of the camp for everyone. It's amazing to see these little girls come up with the basic componants of most fairy tales all by themselves. They know that everything comes in threes, that foxes are charming but ALWAYS tricky, that mermaids have golden combs, and bears that appear to be mean usually just have a thorn in their paw, and are actually quite nice once you get to know them. I feel like I'm doing an Jungian experiment of sorts; figuring out what motifs are prevelant in the stories of each group of children. Ah, the collective unconscious. Hoorah for archetypes, yes? Anyways, here are some of my favorite pictures from the first two sessions of the camp. I'll probably be posting pictures from the third and fourth sessions later on. Enjoy! It's shmaa central!!!

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